Crypto Wealth Nation



  • Money and value are social agreements.
  • Bartering is a social agreement between you and another person.
  • Fiat Money (the bank notes you hold in your wallet) is a social agreement between you and the government.
  • Cryptocurrency (digital currency) is a social agreement between you and another person. Digital currency is DECENTRALISED, which means that no government owns it. It does not have a “CENTER”.



At the moment, only 2% to 13% of the world’s population (based on what experts are saying) have adopted cryptos in their lives, which means there is an incredible life-changing amount of money to be made. This wealth can help us to gain more freedom and independence and reduce the negatives that you will read about shortly. The following points are the reason I believe cryptocurrencies will be endorsed worldwide. It is happening now. Some are positive, some are negative.

  • Although some governments seem to fight against cryptocurrencies, the reason why they will be endorsed is because the governments of the world can (once the right regulations are in place) TRACK EVERY TRANSACTION you make. Although this is not a positive outcome for many, all nations are heading towards a cashless society where everything is done digitally.
  • With the upcoming “Internet of Things”, all humans will be connected to the net. Here are just some of the possibilities. Your house might tell you that your body temperature is dropping and automatically adjust the heating for you. Your fridge will tell you that you are short on your favorite chardonnay and even show you the closest shop where you could buy that wine at a discount. While watching YouTube, you can get paid to watch videos (see: Theta Token). Your smart watch might, through nanobots in your blood, tell you that your iron level is low and advise you to take a supplement. While you are working in a shopping center, shops will showcase a 3D holographic image of the discounted items they offer, based on your digital profile and past purchase preferences (see: Nucleus Vision Technology). NCASH is also a cryptocurrency. When buying a wine at a restaurant, you can scan a code to see all the information related to that wine; where it was produced, soil pH, type of grape and many other details (see VeChain Token). What this tells us is that EVERYTHING WILL BE CONNECTED and probably monitors depending on the country and laws that are present at the time.
  • The only way for governments of the world to be able to implement these possible scenarios is to have a digital currency. This could be a global currency like Bitcoin, Ethereum or ADA, or a government mandated one.
IMPORTANT POINT: Everything in life, I believe, is neutral in nature. A knife can kill in the hand of a killer, or in the hand of a surgeon, save lives. It’s the same with cryptocurrencies. They can advance our society and make it better, or they can be used as a tool to create a despotic, controlling, Orwellian society. With wealth, we can have better and more varied choices. It can also help make this society, our governments, and nations better places to live. If you still want to make money with cryptocurrencies, then go to the next step.

You have decided to purchase some coins! You understand that wealth can help you have more freedom and choices and are ready to start! So what’s next?

  • Register for a reputable exchange that is backed by insurance. I use BINANCE. If you use this link, we will both receive 10% back of all commission generated by your account.
  • There have been smaller exchanges that have been hacked and the users lost their coins. For example, I was using an exchange called and lost $5,000 with the hack. As this was a smaller exchange, they did not have the right security or insurance in place, and users like me are still waiting for a resolution. So please use large, insured exchanges.
  • There are other exchanges but I like using Binance because is secure, they have thousands of coins and it’s the leader in the crypto space.
  • Registration in a crypto exchange requires different levels of security, and to get approval can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days.
  • Once you have open an account with a reputable exchange, then move to Step 3.

Now you have an account with your selected exchange. What’s next?

  • On Binance, there are many coins that can be purchased directly, using Australian Dollars or your local currency.

  • The first step is to transfer your funds from your bank account or a credit/debit card to your Exchange (e.g. Binance account). If the coin is available, you can select the coin you want to purchase. If not, you will need to convert your AUD into USDT (USD tokens) or Bitcoin, as shown in the tutorial (to your right).

An easy way for you to check your progress without having to login your exchange, is to use an app like CoinStats.

  • Download “CoinStats” app on your mobile phone.
  • You don’t need to sign in or open an account.
  • Click on “Portfolio” at the bottom.
  • Scroll down and click on “Add New”.
  • Search for the Crypto Coin you want to add.
  • The buy options should be automatically selected.
  • Enter the number of coins you want to purchase and then press “Add”.
  • This should add the coin/s to your portfolio.
  • If you sell a coin, just manually adjust by selecting “Selling” instead of “Buying”.
  • Check progress.

Alternatively you can:

  • (1) Check balances on Binance under “Wallet” and “Overview” or you can create an Excel spreadsheet to track information related to your portfolio.


  • (2) Create a watch list on

Once you have coins in your portfolio, can open the CoinStat app and see your progress, it’s a good time to join/subscribe and follow some of the leaders in the industry to see what the experts see. This is optional, of course. To review YouTube channel and Twitter suggestions, please CLICK HERE

You will be redirected to the “FREE RESOURCE” page under the RESOURCES tab  (top navigation). Other internet sites worth mentioning are:

To see which coins are performing the best, looking and to look at multiple indicators please visit: