How to protect your phone data, photos voice and text from being stolen or sold

Good morning fellow Cryptonians

Today I will talk to you about your privacy and security.

I believe I have come across something that for many Crypto traders and investors could be life changing and revolutionary, so therefore I have decided to share it with the people I know. It may not be something that you have to worry about right now, but as your portfolio continues to grow bigger it might be something worth considering.

As society is evolving and the Internet of all things becomes a reality, we start to see that many providers like Apple and Samsung are implementing technology that could breach our privacy. In a way though they are not directly breaching it as you are most likely agreeing to the 30+ small print pages telling you that your data, text, photos, and voice recordings are no longer yours.

I am not sure about all of you, but there has been countless times I have spoken with a friend or family member about a product like a new TV or organic fertilizer, only to find out that within minutes my phone has generated ads popping up in my social media and on web sites I visit about… you guessed it, new TV deals and organic fertilizers for sale in my area.

You have all most likely experienced something similar. You talk about something and ‘BANG’, just like magic, the ad for that specific product is everywhere, including in your social feeds, on YouTube and all over your web searches. All the major retailers in your areas then are displayed with a flashing offers and discounted prices, all competing for your attention and money.

This tells us a few things (the proof is in the pudding). Our mobile devices are listening in, basically spying on our conversations, texts and photos, they are also sharing and/or selling this information to third party providers that could benefit from tracking every single word you say or type into your device. When you look closely at the terms and conditions your mobile device comes with, it shows that everything that you do with your phone is the property of the phone provider, not yours. Your data is no longer yours, your private conversations are no longer private, even those steamy selfies you send to your loved one are no longer for his or her eyes only.

And in a way you have been tracked, your location is known at all times, you have been tagged like a cow, monitored for financial opportunities from your mobile provider to milk you for more profits through ads and services.

To keep you buying more advanced, newer and updated phones, (as the profits they make through their ads is not enough), some providers even build in a hardware feature that reduces battery life and even stops the mobiles and apps from working efficiently if the phone is a few years old and a new update becomes available. This is so that you feel your phone is getting older, which puts pressure on you to buy a new one. Like most others I have fallen victim to this many times.

You have probably fallen victim of this too.

Later this year, Apple will roll out a new technology that will allow the company to detect and report known child sexual abuse material to law enforcement in a way that they say will ‘preserve user privacy’. Which seems like a great thing, but the same form of technology can be used to scan for images and documents showcasing any behaviours that Apple and the government might believe to be unruly, un-acceptable or illegal. In the near future, maybe if not completely illegal, your Social Credit System like the one China has, will flag you and your behavior and you might lose social credit points and therefore your opportunities and liberties may be reduced. You might think this is science fiction, but our freedoms and rights have been reduced every single day through one excuse or another. I am no conspiracy theorist, but I have to recognize that many of the theories they have been talking about for years are actually today’s reality.

As Crypto traders and investors we need to be aware of the risks, especially when it comes to our hard earned money and privacy.

With Apples new software system, the main concern is that after the A.I. (Artificial Intelligence program) has tagged your data for review, another person (a complete stranger) will have to go through your photos, judge them, look at them, and then decide if you have broken the law, or if you are thinking or behaving in a way that is not in alignment with government mandate and policies. I like the idea of stopping child abusers and heavy illegal activity, but not the idea of having people look through my personal images or data.

I have nothing to hide, but I don’t like the scenario of a stranger looking through and virtually touching my staff.

Also soon the Un-Vaccinated might be forced to be tagged by their phones, as explained in this article: Proof of vaccination in a tap? Smartphone developers want to make it that easy

In Australia, the Surveillance Legislation Amendment (Identify and Disrupt) Bill 2020 was signed off this August 25, 2021 both Houses (House of Representatives, Senate).


The bill grants the Australian Federal Police and Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission new powers to combat serious crime enabled by anonymising technology by implementing three new warrants: network activity, data disruption and account takeover. With these warrants both agencies can take control of a person’s online accounts to gather evidence about serious offences WITHOUT YOUR CONSENT! They can also ADD, COPY, DELETE or ALTER any material to disrupt criminal activity and collect intelligence from online networks. This leaves spaces for the misuse of this power, and the potential possibility for destructive and illegal information to be planted in your account to prove you have done something wrong, when in actual fact you have not.

The fact that our current majority parties have made this bill and many others that reduce human liberty and sovereignty pass, for me is a clear indication of a broken system.

We all know that with great power comes great responsibility, so if you trust the government and multi nationals and you believe that these are after your wellbeing not just profits, than you are all good and have nothing to be concerned about, however If you don’t then read further, as I have found something that might help.

Both Apple and the Government implementations, could be perceived as a great advancement to stop evil and potentially dangerous people, but anyone that does not comply or that disagrees with these government’s policies could become a potential target.

All we need is another policy change or an amendment to a current legislation and BANG, you are non-compliant. Then they will take over your online accounts and… money!

Many things that I believed would not happen in this democratic country have not happened, and I feel more and more like I am in a bad, dark sci-fi series than reality.

So where do we draw the line?

Also, to stop or reduce the erosion of privacy, sovereignty and human rights, ads and tracking could also add to the time we already spend online.

I am not sure about you but I don’t have much time, and removing undesired ads, or avoiding 3rd party companies trying to add tracking codes, Trojan viruses, etc will add to this limited time. Stressing about protecting my data, my crypto password and logins is already high on my priority list.

So I searched for a product, a mobile device that still respects my human rights, my privacy and that still considers my text, my conversations and my photos to be MY property, NOT the phone providers and NOT the governments.

I could not find any mobile device from the major providers and developers that implements this consideration, most companies are happy to milk their customers directly and indirectly. Then, one of my students in my crypto course, mentioned that they had come across something called ‘CLEAR PHONE’.

The Clear Phone uses an in-built blockchain encryption technology, not dissimilar to a crypto hard wallet that stops unwanted, unwarranted and undesired access. 

It is an end-to-end encrypted smartphone that you create your own encryption on so that no one else has access to it. It is a decentralized hardware.

It blocks trackers, viruses, trojan codes, third part tracking and ads. You are anonymous.

The inbuilt software uses a ‘security fencing’ type of protection around each app (basically an encryption bubble), so there is no apps fishing through other apps or through your messages/contacts list/camera roll, etc.

 – No access to your stored data.

– No unwanted tracking.

– No big tech spying.

– No big brother / government spying.

– No more google or your phone provider selling your data.

The phone is called CLEAR PHONE and the CEO who is a multi-millionaire, has spent the last 10 years plus developing a mobile device that has similar characteristics of the best and leading mobile phones out there, with over 500+ hours of battery life, an insane photo capability and much more.

So although I have only just recently bought an Apple 12 Plus, I will be making the switch to the Clear Phone as my privacy, especially while investing in crypto currency is far more important to me than having the latest and greatest IPhone.

I don’t normally speak about third party products but I think this is a revolutionary device that needs to be shared.

For those of you in Australia, importing this phone from overseas will incur in import taxes and GST. So if you decided to get one like I did, be aware that a part from the phone cost and the shipping cost there is always Australian taxes that you’ll need to pay. Personally for me it is worth it.

For transparency sake, I will mention that I not only purchased this phone, but I truly believe so much in this product that I have also decided to promote it among the people I know. I do this with some of the products I personally use and love like the ‘Yubico Key Encryption Hardware’ for securely logging in to a crypto account.

If you believe in human rights, privacy and the innate sovereignty of each human being, this is definitely something worth considering.

The profits the company generates, a part of paying promoters and affiliates and the development costs, are given to non-profit organisations and charities. Which is in perfect sync with my philosophy of adding light to the world.

For those interested in knowing more you can view some of the videos of this new devices technology here:

-Intro to what the ClearPhone is. 2.5 minute clip by Michael Proper, CEO:  alterantively scroll down for videos.

-35min webinar regarding how the privacy works, and why it’s important as well as showcasing their affiliate program: 

To order or see the options available, see:

To purchase the phone you will need a referral code. You can use if you want: wealthsafe

Or you can use another person or code, I don’t mind because as I always say it’s not about making profits for me, this is about empowering you to take your life back in your hands and giving back ownership over your photos, text, data, documents and voice recordings. Your privacy.

Also this is my pledge. That the 10% commission that is generated from those of you that decide to purchase this mobile device using the above referral code, can either go towards the crypto investment course I offer or can be donated to a charity of your choice. As I mentioned previously I am not backing this product for the commission, I turn over enough money and profit from my Crypto investing. I am doing this purely to help people take back their privacy and to help promote a society based on freedom of speech, human rights and sovereignty.

Your sovereignty matters, your data, photo, voice and text matters. It’s yours, no one else. If you have questions about the phone there are very good information online, alternatively you can PM.

For now all the best, se strong, be patient

Much light,


P.s. For those interested in learning how to invest in Crypto Currencies and how to transform a 5 figure account into a 7 figure one, please visit:




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